Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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January is the month for new beginnings. With the holiday rush over and the weather frigid in many parts of the country, it’s a great time to attend to some of the tasks that are easy to put off but oh-so-satisfying once they’re done — such as making or updating an inventory of what’s in your home. You might never need it, but if something goes wrong, having one can save some grief. Here are 8 tasks for your January home-maintenance checklist!

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Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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“Honey, do you honestly think I would check thousands of tiny little lights if I wasn’t sure the extension cord was plugged in?” — Clark Griswold (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation)

The holiday season is here! Whether you celebrate like the Griswold’s or Margo and Todd, you have likely added some holiday décor to your home. Lights, candles and festive plants add a wonderful, warm ambiance to your home. By taking a few extra steps like unplugging your holiday lights before you go to bed or when you leave the house, can help you avoid a décor disaster this holiday season. Don’t let decorations wreak havoc on your holiday!

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Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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“Forever on Thanksgiving Day the heart will find the pathway home.” – Wilbur D. Nesbit

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Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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It’s that time of year again! Leaves are changing colors, fall scents fill the home and pumpkin spice has a hold on us again. But most importantly this is the best time to prep your home for the weather to come. We have gathered 10 of the most important Fall home maintenance tasks to get your home ready for the season!

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Interested in what the real estate market looks like in your city? Check out this detailed statewide market snapshot!

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